Military Helmet Snail - Neritina bulgera, or commonly known as military helmet, black helmet. It is widely recommended in aquariums because it is an algae eater and does not reproduce easily. It is a gastropod and belongs to the Nerididae family. They are from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines.

Round shell, like a soldier's helmet, brown to black, often shiny. 3 snails per 100 gallon tank is good and will help keep the furniture clear of algae.

Military Helmet Snail

Military Helmet Snail

Given the wide range of values ​​in which it can live and its peaceful nature, it can be inserted into aquariums quite similar to the most diverse and diverse species.

Black Racer Nerite Snail

There are no dichotomous differences between men and women, and it is very difficult to understand the difference. Its reproduction is very rare. It is very useful in aquarium dynamics for these reasons, as it is very effective and has no side effects such as infection or excessive excretion.

It is vegetarian, and specific to Algivora, and once it sinks, it will definitely clean the soft surfaces affected by the spotted algae, then go to the brush algae.

Maximum Size: 2.5cm Swimming Conditions: Aquarium Surfaces Optimum Temperature Range: 20° - 28° Celsius pH Range: 6.5 - 8 GH Range: 5 - 60 Neritina pulligera (military helmet snail, dark nerite ) is a kind of fresh water. A snail is a gastropod mollusc of the Neritidae family. This species is widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Neritina bulgera is found in fast-flowing freshwater streams and rivers with rocky substrates. Throughout its distribution, this species lives in rivers and streams close to the influence of ocean tides, so it is also found in salt water.

Neritina bulgera is another excellent algae-eating snail that makes a great addition to planted tanks. Their shells are black. They are shaped like a military helmet instead of a tiger or zebra.

Big Hole In Snail Shell

Military helmet snails don't mind eating. Their primary food is algae, but your supply will be plentiful, including kelp flakes, blanched vegetables like squash and spinach, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, fish flakes, shrimp pellets, red peppers, and more. These slugs are harmless to healthy plants.

The good news is that Neritina bulgera care is very simple and straightforward. Snails are a hardy species and are adapted to a wide variety of water conditions. They seem to prefer water temperatures in the tropical community tank range of 22°C to 28°C. And some hobbyists claim that Neridina bulgera can survive in a wide temperature range. Nerites prefer fish water with a water pH of 7.5 on the alkaline side and a moderate moving current on the hard side. As with other fish in an aquarium, the care of Neritina pulligera should be checked for ammonia spikes and high nitrate levels, as Nerites are susceptible. Care must be taken to avoid any exposure to copper and other chemicals as this can be fatal to snails. Finally, remember that snails may need calcium supplements to maintain a healthy shell.

The care of Neridina bulgera is also important to remember how they are packaged. Throw them into the water and avoid floating to land on various uneven surfaces. Lucky Nerites land upright and can quickly acclimate to their new environment. Unlucky snails land face down. Nerite snails have a very hard time standing up. In most cases, it is almost impossible for them to do so. Nerites left upside down can die. Make sure the Nerites are kept upright in the pot so they get a good start.

Military Helmet Snail

Black military helmet snails are very busy and active feeders. They attach to hard surfaces such as glass, decorations, filter sockets and hard plant leaves. Neritas move easily on these surfaces... they eat as they move. Nerita snails are among the best algae-eating snails and their "tank" diet includes: soft film algae, soft green algae, soft brown algae, and brown diatoms. They dig in about an inch or so and eat glass for hours.

Black Military Helmet Snail

It is often noted that nerite snails do not reproduce in fresh water. Because sea snails need brackish water to breed successfully, they don't take to a freshwater tank like many snails. This is one of the main benefits of this snail. This means that nerita snail eggs will start to appear on many hard surfaces in the tank. Nerite snail eggs look like small white dots and are most visible on HOB filter shots and on dark surfaces such as dark fish warmers, glass, or decorations and ornaments. Nerite snail eggs are hard and have to be scraped out of the tank. Although the eggs of nerita snails can be a bit of a nuisance, the benefits of this type of algae-eating snail far outweigh those of other types of snails that breed in fresh water. This makes nerite snails a great choice if you want to add numbers of snails to your tank.

Black helmet snail tank mates can include most invertebrates and fish suitable for a freshwater community tank. Neritina pulligera tankmates should not include any invasive invertebrates, as snails can be eaten. So avoid loach, crab, goldfish and cichlids.

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Black military helmet snails are cute, easy-care, and low-maintenance animals. Therefore, they can be easily recommended even for novice hobbyists.

Military Helmet Snail

They are mostly herbivores and enjoy eating algae and biofilms, so you really have to work less hard at cleaning the tank.

Military Helmet Nerite Snail X5

This profile guide takes a special look at this remarkable breed. You'll learn more about black helmet snails' behavior, feeding preferences, ideal tank requirements, and how to best care for them.

Did you know that the name Nerites is of ancient Greek origin, Νηρίτης, (in Roman: Nērítēs) which means "sea snail".

The name bulligerus comes from the Latin 'bullus', meaning 'young (as a noun) or dark-coloured (as an adjective)' and 'gero', meaning 'carrying or bearing'.

In Greek mythology, the Nereids were a young god of the sea of ​​stunning beauty. When Aphrodite fell in love with him, she invited the Nereids to join the Olympian gods. However, he did not want to leave his family and turned down the offer. Aphrodite was very angry and turned him into a snail because of this.

Red Lip Nerite Snail X3 (neritina Violacea)

According to some scientists, there are about 40 taxa that are considered synonyms of Neritina bulgera. For example, Neritina petiti, Neritina canalis, Neritina nori, are considered species or used as junior synonyms.

These snails are found in South India, Seychelles, Madagascar, Thailand, Indonesia, Northwest Australia, Celebes, New Guinea, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, Fiji Island, Philippines, Japan, from the east coast of Africa to South Africa.

The black military helmet snail is a freshwater gastropod. They are typically found in fast-flowing littoral and coastal freshwater streams and small rivers with rocky substrates.

Military Helmet Snail

The black military helmet snail is not a large freshwater snail species, reaching a maximum length of about 4 cm (1.5 in), 3 cm (1.2 in) wide, and 2.5 cm (1 in) long. pore height

What Is This Thing? It Looks Like A Snail But I Only Have Black Military Helmet Snails And They Have Never Laid Eggs

However, if properly cared for, black army snails live 4 to 5 years. In aquaculture, their useful life depends on many factors such as feed, poor living conditions and export pressure.

Black army helmet snails are non-aggressive, solitary and very shy animals. They need a calm aquatic environment and calm tankmates to be happy.

Like most snails, they are nocturnal. O

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